Feedmyinbox is a very simple RSS-to-email tool that allows users to subscribe to their favourite blogs, feeds and news in seconds. Previously users were able to add as many feeds/sites as they wanted to receive updates for, nowadays users can subscribe up to 5 sites for free before they need to look at pricing plans. For RSS newbies this is a very non-threatening way to keep up to date with your favourite blog or news site. The beauty of it is if you're not a fan of specific RSS newsreaders (such as Bloglines or Google Reader), this will send the update alert straight to your email inbox.
Learning resource:
The following is a very short video tutorial by FeedMyInbox that shows how the process works.
Simply copy and paste the URL into FeedMyInbox.
Discovery exercise:
- Create an account with FeedMyInbox
- Read the instructions for how to use this tool
- Subscribe to a blog by one of the following libraries: Auckland City Libraries, Christchurch City Libraries, Manukau Libraries, Rodney Libraries, Tararua District Library and Wellington City Libraries using FeedMyInbox
- Find one other website or news site to subscribe to - add this using FeedMyInbox
- Write a post about your FeedMyInbox experience and consider: Is it easy to use? Would customers find it simple? Could we use this in the learn.nets and in our workrooms? Do you think that you're likely to use this site again? Would you promote this service to customers? Why/why not?
3 tasks down and 3 to go :-)
Where to now?
Week 4: Tastespotting - a community driven visual potluck