Week 3 : FeedMyInbox - RSS made simple

Feedmyinbox is a very simple RSS-to-email tool that allows users to subscribe to their favourite blogs, feeds and news in seconds.  Previously users were able to add as many feeds/sites as they wanted to receive updates for, nowadays users can subscribe up to 5 sites for free before they need to look at pricing plans.  For RSS newbies this is a very non-threatening way to keep up to date with your favourite blog or news site. The beauty of it is if you're not a fan of specific RSS newsreaders (such as Bloglines or Google Reader), this will send the update alert straight to your email inbox.

Learning resource:
The following is a very short video tutorial by FeedMyInbox that shows how the process works.

Simply copy and paste the URL into FeedMyInbox.

Discovery exercise:
Your progress so far:
3 tasks down and 3 to go :-)

Where to now?
Week 4: Tastespotting - a community driven visual potluck