- encourage exploration of Web 2.0 and new technologies by Manukau Libraries staff
- provide staff with new tools (that are freely available on the Internet) to better support Manukau Libraries mission: To boldly go where no man has gone before
- reward staff for taking the initiative to complete 6 self-discovery exercises
- encourage staff to explore any and all Web 2.0 tools Manukau Libraries is currently using
Starts: August 2010
Ends: November 2010
The Learning 2.0 programme was designed by Helene Blowers, PLCMC Technology Director, with the support and assistance of several staff and is loosely based upon Stephen Abram's article, 43 Things I (or You) might want to do this year (Information Outlook - Feb 2006) and the website 43Things.
The design of this online programme was completely built on Web 2.0 technologies that are freely available on the Internet. These sites include: Box.net, Picapp, FeedMyInbox, TasteSpotting & SlideShare.
What now?
- You'll remember that in Round 1 we asked you to set up your blog and register it :) That means you can dive headfirst into Task 1 : Box.net - online file storage and get started! I'll definitely see you online - you can't miss me, I'll be the one making comments on your blog :0)